News Item: The US Government uses replacementdocs
(Category: News)
Posted by sleepy
Sunday 07 October 2007 - 05:56:54

I received a very interesting email from a patent examiner at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It was one of the rare nice emails I receive, thanking me for my (and all the visitors') efforts to provide these docs to the public.

He mentioned that he works in the Gaming division of the office and that the people in his department regularly use replacementdocs 2-4 times per month to assist in evaluating patent applications. Apparently, it helps them obtain concrete evidence about whether there were pre-existing examples of some game mechanic or concept that someone else was trying to patent.

With typical government bureaucracy, though, he said that I probably shouldn't post the letter because he wasn't officially permitted to represent the patent office and I guess he might get in trouble. Still, it's pretty cool to think that people actually use this resource at their jobs!

This news item is from replacementdocs
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