News Item: All pending uploads lost
(Category: News)
Posted by sleepy
Wednesday 30 September 2020 - 05:26:33
Bad news, everyone. I recently received a notification from my webhost that they had deleted all of the pending uploads (1000's of them uploaded over the past 10 years) on the server because it appeared that I was using it as personal file storage rather than actually hosting the files for the public.
And that is actually mostly true, since there are no public-facing links to the pending uploads as most visitors cannot access them before they are approved by editors, and we haven't had any active editors now for years. So, the backlog of those user submissions have kept growing and growing over the years. Last time I checked there was something like 30 GB worth of docs. So, I can understand why they were concerned about abuse of their hardware.
I explained the situation to my webhost and how the space was being used, but I wasn't able to respond quickly enough before even their backups were already wiped. So, unfortunately all that content is gone, probably forever.
I'm leaving the pending upload metadata in the database for now, on the off-chance that one of the old editors has a backup of these files. But I'll clean it all off the server if that doesn't happen.
I'd ask again for volunteers to help edit docs, but for now it's pointless because there's nothing to edit at the moment. But if you're interested in keeping this from happening again in the future, please reach out. Thanks!
This news item is from replacementdocs
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